Reed's Remember When is dedicated to remembering things the way they used to be and tying them to today. Honesty, integrity, morals, strength in family and deep faith are need today. This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but may be accessible to any browser or Internet device.

Reed's Remember When

Do you remember ...?
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Special thanks to:  My roving editors and contributors; Ruthsarian CSS help.
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Visits since Sep 21, 2005
This site is dedicated to remembering things the way they used to be and tying them to today. Not everything in the 'good old days' were good, but a lot of things still have merit. For instance, 'Remember When a half-gallon of ice cream was actually 2 quarts vice 1.75 quarts today? What's up with that?'

I'm trying to make sense of 'today' and ensure my children grow up with the beliefs that were instilled in me. Striving to give them the best start in life AND stress do the 'right thing, the first time, every time.'

You'll find unique reminders from the past, pictures, some of my favorite links, a Blog - Reed's Remember When and Reed's Rules To Live By.  So enjoy and take a few minutes to reminisce!

See if you remember these:

Elmer Davis Quote
Remember - Always Remember

May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past.

Did you know ...

God does not play dice with the universe. - Albert Einstein

47% of American households pay no Federal Income Tax, but get most of the benefits.

1% of Americans pay 40% of the Federal Income Tax received.
Never Forget
Never Forget